Message from the Chairman

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The development of states is measured by keeping pace with civilization and proving its presence in the pyramid of human societies, and many countries have passed on the globe since history began, some of which have been proven and some have disappeared.

 If we go back to studying these countries, we find that the secret of survival lies in the interest of these countries in science and culture, and not in the politics of power and imposing a forced existence. How many countries have strong armies and adopted the policy of absolute power in numbers and equipment, but it quickly collapsed and its memory faded, while the countries that relied on building their civilizations on science, culture and knowledge remained firm, and their mention remained widespread, filling life with its achievements. Even if it was invaded by disasters and wars, it would remain firmly in the minds of peoples and nations, and its evidences of its era remain lofty, attracting the people of the world to see its glories.

Science and culture are the basis for building civilization, the foundation for building the state, and the basis for building the human being, which is the goal of existence and the first goal. The first pillar of civilization in terms of science and culture is the language that spreads and is the basis of knowledge sought by everyone, and from there the promotion of education in its early stages, and in its university and academic stages, in addition to training and technical and professional development.

We in the Turkish Republic are proud that we belong to the Islamic nation and that we are the children of a nation that has a deep history, and that it has an internationally advanced language in terms of geographical and demographic spread, which is developing day by day to add to its dictionary new vocabulary that keeps pace with the times.

From these starting points and based on our historical culture in the past and the present and looking forward to the future, we decided that our interest and our work should be in the field of education, science and culture around the globe,
 Our achievement was in establishing an internationalization endowment and developing higher education

Gıyaseddin HAZNEVİ


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